The digital camera has once abandoned me and isn't working so the pictures I have taken are located on my regular camera. Today there are 2 pictures to make up for not taking one yesterday. The picture is of Spybot running on my computer. I got something through Internet Explorer and now my computer is acting up and driving me crazy. I have now downloaded Mozilla and hope to use that exclusively. Internet Explorer stinks as far as I can say and they created the problems themselves. Mozilla is so much nicer. It took almost an hour for me to run Spybot and Adaware and get the computer cleaned up. I think I also need to try Microsoft Anti-spyware.
The second picture (to be posted later), is of dental floss. Something that for years I avoided as much as possible but now use daily (often more than twice daily). I hate going to my dentist because everytime I go I end up with root canal or fillings. I don't know how much is repair work from a previous dentist and how much is feathering her nest egg.
Hope my camera is working tomorrow.