It's been over a week and time to play a little catchup on what's new. Here in number format is what has been happening:
1. I am continuing my preparation for the A+ certification test which I hope to take by August. It's an awful lot of reading and memorizing and working with my fixer up computer, but I do enjoy it. I only wish the study guides where smaller and more portable. I have to say that I am really enjoying listening to the Harvard computer class on my iPod. It makes my long walks very interesting, especially when I get information that I can use. The only drawback is that I think I am boring my family to death when I start talking about computers. Oh well, it could be much worse.
2. I am looking forward to taking 2 classes and cropping with Donna Downey next weekend. I just love reading her blog and following her scrapbook journeys and creativity. I am nervous about cropping outside of my comfort zone but I think it will be fun just the same. I still am not feeling all that creative lately even though I continue to buy more scrapbooking stuff (especially the new Basic Grey). I just have to dive right in and start working on a new project and see where that takes me. I want to blame it on my setup in that it is hard to scrap at my desk, but that just isn't so when I see the spaces other people have. Anyways, I hope to get inspired with the upcoming events at Memory Lane and hope to do more posting and submitting of projects. I am still planning on going to the Creating Keepsakes convention in July.
3. While studying and scrapbooking, I always need to have something to watch on my laptop. Lately it has been the Sopranos. Love the show, love the characters, love the humor, hate that Adrianna got bumped off. I go through different phases, Gilmore Girls phase, 24 phase, Frasier phase, etc. Right now it is definitely the Soprano phase. I really enjoy the music that is a part of the show. They are in the sixth season now which is scheduled to be the last one. Too bad, as it is really a good show with excellent writing. If only JAG would come out on DVD, I would be a very happy camper.
4. Walking, walking, and more walking. Today I started my long walk (2 miles) without Kitty so that I could go at a faster pace. My legs were a little jelly-like when I got home, but well worth it. Hopefully, I will make this a daily habit as I really need to get on the stick and lose weight. Now that I know what the problem with my knee is (a cyst), and the resolution, I can begin to think about going back to karate. I really do miss it and how it made me feel (empowered, strong). Casey and I plan to go back in April. YEA!
5. I haven't done very much reading lately but did finish the book by A.J. Jacobs about his reading of the encyclopedia. It was very entertaining and Greg wants to read it this summer. I am also reading The Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life by Amy Rosenthal and find it interesting. There has been scrapbooks classes done along this theme and I may try to do my own Encyclopedia of ME. I just picked up James Patterson's book The Jester and find it very true to his format (3 pages per chapter=easy and fast reading). I went to the library yesterday for the first time in awhile and picked out 4 books to read. Hopefully, I will get through all of them (especially the Sarah Vowell book).
6. Still working on the two websites for 2 non-profit groups. One is just beginning and the other is nearing completion. Hope they go over well.