Saturday, March 31, 2007

Saturday's List

I thought of list of things would be fun today!

10 things that irritated me yesterday:

1. Sitting in FB's office and printing emails for 2 1/2 hours.
2. Using over 500 sheets of paper to print said emails (what a waste).
3. Being asked if I had done a few items that I would have done had I not been printing emails for hours.
4. Being told to be back from lunch by 2 so that I could answer Nancy's phone.
5. The look Nancy gave me as I met with MG for 2 hours going over audits that I do monthly (a little bit of jealously on her part maybe).
6. Having to put gas in my car that cost $2.79.
7. Reading in the paper that the CEO of Comcast Cable received $27.8 million in compensation last year while our cable bill continues to rise steadily.
8. Not losing any weight at WW yesterday.
9. Getting my paycheck and realizing that I didn't quite get 80 hours over the last 2 weeks.
10. Getting my paycheck and realizing I had less than 1 hour overtime.

9 Things I am Grateful For

1. My family and the fact that we really enjoy each other (most of the time).
2. My pets and the unconditional love that they give.
3. The ability to get out of bed everyday.
4. The fact that I have a job and can pay my bills.
5. Springtime and all of the beauty of it.
6. Finding a good book to read.
7. Remembering that there is always something to learn.
8. Having my health and the health of my family.
9. Technology - for the most part it's a good thing.

8 Things I Worry About Too Much

1. Money
2. Getting my TO DO list done daily.
3. Weight
4. My kids' future - it's their future - not mine
5. Having a clean house.
6. Honoring my parent's legacy
7. What other people think (sometimes - not that often)
8. What to fix for dinner

7 Things I Ate Yesterday

1. Lite English Muffin
2. 2 lite sausages
3. Lean Cuisine Pizza
4. Grape Tomatoes
5. Fiber One bar
6. 2 FF hotdogs
7. 3 soft pretzel bites

6 Things on My To Do List This Weekend

1. Laundry
2. Vacuum entire house
3. Dust
4. Yardwork - pick up sticks and tear out dead stuff
5. Call John
6. Update blog

5 People I talked to Yesterday

1. Greg
2. Larry
3. Casey
4. Carol
5. Michael

4 Goals for April

1. Finish quilt binding on yellow quilt
2. Scrapbook more
3. Plant peas and much more
4. Get to the dentist

3 Books I read in March

1. The Ultimate Gift
2. Beverly Nye's "A Family Raised on Sunshine"
3. Beverly Nye's "A Family Raised on Rainbows"

2 New Plans for Today

1. Take Greg to a Bowling Birthday Party
2. Hang out by myself - I thought we were all staying home today

1 Thing I Accomplished Today Already

1. Got Easter presents ready to mail on Monday.

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