Thursday, January 17, 2008

According to our worthless weatherman

"A small snow event, mostly rain". HA! We are at about 3 inches already with it still coming down. I was listening to the local news on my 50 minute drive home (usually a 20 minute drive), and they were still saying it wasn't sticking and the road congestion is due to the evening rush. HA! I almost slid into the car in front of me twice and I had left plenty of stopping room. The roads were a mess. They really should have contacted someone in Bucks County to find out what was going on here because THEY WERE CLUELESS!!!!

Another troubling problem is that the car alarm in my car continues to go off randomly. The other day I was checking out at the library and continued to hear this car alarm going off. I started towards the parking lot and realized it was my car. Same thing at work 2 days in a row now. This really bites. I park my car where I can see it at work and just leave it unlocked. I have removed anything of value in it, but it still bothers me. Don't worry, Casey, it is scheduled to go in for repair next week.

1 comment:

Casey said...

Yeah the car alarm went off randomly when I was in New Jersey...I thought it might've just been the rain somehow tripped it or something. That's not cool though.

It's snowing up here now too. Haven't been outside so don't know how much it's accumulated.