Saturday, November 29, 2008

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Well this year we are not holding to our tradition of getting the Christmas tree on Friday after Thanksgiving. We couldn't go because Casey had to work that day. She is working at a jewelry store in New Hope and had to work both Friday and Saturday. So the plan is now to get our tree tomorrow (Sunday). We did however get out the decorations and I decorated the dining room, the family room mantel, and the front hall.

I love this hall table decor. The tree decorations are all my Mom's. She loved decorating her tree in all Christmas plaid. She gave me these decorations and every year, the hall table is decorated in all plaid. I have her bears that are dressed in plaid clothing and all of the decorations are plaid. This tree makes me smile every time I walk past it. As you can see, Kitty loves it too (she's sitting on the landing in the background).

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