Thursday, April 23, 2009

Spring Photos

We had some beautiful weather recently and used the time to work in the yard. As you can see, the yard is in full bloom. The forsythias look stunning as do the trees.

I was going to include the photos of the 3 tomato plants that were planted in the fence garden. However, I don't want to bring up the fact that we strayed from Casey's garden plan again. We were experimenting to see if the deer would eat them but so far they haven't. May have to just leave them there.

As for my little seedlings, they might not be doing very well after Crosby (or is it Sydney) decided to sit on them. No matter how many times we took her off, she got right back on. Guess that she liked the sunshine and warmth.

1 comment:

Casey said... you realize two weeks from tomorrow I'll be home?

The yard looks beautiful - it'll be so weird and so great to be home again. But I was starting to think how much I'll miss Thailand and fearing that I'll be bored at home...but seeing these pictures have made me really excited about the prospect of being back in PA.

First, gotta get through finals though...