Monday, January 09, 2006

A Creative Start to the New Year

I am off and running for the new year in terms of my creativity. I signed up for the Donna Downey class at Big Picture Scrapbooking and I am being energized already. The first week assignment was to cover our SS planner. This was fun because we were to use a special piece of paper that we bought but haven't used yet. This was part of a Christina Cole slab but I liked that it sums up the year "Life Happens". I posted this on the BPS website and got an email from Donna praising it. As this was my first time putting any of my scrapbook work out there, it made me very happy. It sort of started the ball rolling. I am now working on the Week 2 project - a year in review type page.

I am also doing the DW 2006 Challenge as well. This uses the 2006 calendar to make daily pages. The challenge is to do 4 pages per month and post them on the 2Peas board. I have already done the January 1 challenge (year in review) and the January 2 challenge (fall ball). I have done the January 6 challenge but haven't scanned it in yet. This challenge is really helping me think outside the box. I love getting the comments under my post and hope to do more praising in the Peanut Gallery for other people.

I had set a goal for the year to be more active on the message boards and post work in the gallery and I'm happy to report that I am off to a good start. It's a nice creative outlet for me and so far I'm enjoying it immensely. The downside to all of this is that I spend way too much time lurking on the message board at 2Peas while at work and then I see all kinds of new products that I would like to have. Guess I have to keep working to keep scrapbooking. Oh well, it's a lot of fun for me and makes me feel good to know that I am recording my family history for future generations. My Mom would be so proud.

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