Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A Short Week This Week - Yeah!

This was the week 2 assignment for the Big Picture Scrapbooking class. It is very similar to DD's but that's okay. I'm not ready yet to strike out on my own too much yet and I really liked how this turned out. The journaling around the edges is my addition to her page idea. I am really liking this class and it makes me think of scrapbooking in a whole other way - more of a creative endeavor rather than an obligation to get the pictures scrapbooked. Tonight at midnight begins the scrapbook fair on QVC. I'm sure my Q Card is going to get quite a workout during the next 12 hours. That's okay though because I haven't been spending money lately and feel that I can treat myself.

Well Larry and I did it - today we booked our trip to Ireland. It's a 10 day Irish Heritage tour that takes in many of the sites of Ireland. We are even going to the town where the last port of call for the Titantic took place. Being the lover of anything Titantic related, this makes me very happy. The kids are excited, especially Casey, who has been wanting to travel to Europe for quite some time. I am sure that there will be many pictures taken on this trip.

The cold and flu is going through our house now - yech! I am sort of longing for spring already which isn't usually a good sign. Most years it doesn't hit me until late in February. Guess I need to use my time creatively and enjoy the time stuck in the house.

Started reading the Purpose Driven Life book and it has definitely opened my mind to God and his purpose for me. This is what I have been needing. I am only on the 3rd day but so far I have realized that God has placed me on this earth for a reason. He is the reason I am here and I was put here for his goodness and to do what he has planned for me. Today, Day 3, the question is "What Drives Your Life?". I have been thinking about this and think that I am driven by both fear and resentment as well as the need for approval. Not that I fear failure but I do feel the need to please people in general. I also tend to harp on things in the past rather than getting over it and moving on. I tend to stew it over. I love this: "knowing your purpose gives meaning to your life." Now I only have to find my purpose!

"A pretentious, showy life is an empty life; a plain and simple life is a full life." Proverbs 13:7

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