It’s been an interesting week. The weather here has definitely said that November is just around the corner. It has been chilly and very windy and the leaves are blowing all over the place. Thursday night Larry, Greg and I went to the Del Val Haunted House and Hayride. Larry was a judge again and we went along for the fun. The haunted house was really nice and because he was a judge we got to go to the front of the line and had a guide with us for the evening. We were with the President of the College and his wife. The students did a great job in the house and we especially liked it when the scary dude in the big clown feet came sliding across the floor right into Larry. That was funny, rather than scary. We walked down to the hayride and again, got right on. It was a beautiful night with many stars. The scenery in the woods was very well done. My favorite was the group that dressed up as Michael Jackson and did the thriller dance behind the hay wagon. The group of dancers were great. There were a lot of chain saws and screaming, but no bungee jumping from the trees. I haven’t been for a few years, and I really enjoyed it.
Saturday we woke up to this “lake” in the backyard. It rained so hard and long that the lake formed pretty quickly. The wind was howling as well.
Went to the King of Prussia mall on Saturday and believe it or not, they had quite a lot of Christmas decorations up already and more ready to be put up. We actually bought a few decorations ourselves (penguins are the theme this year). Bought Casey some Christmas presents, but not telling what they are (sorry Case).
With Halloween occurring on Tuesday night, I thought it would be fun to post these pictures of Halloween past that I found. Notice who is dressed as a pirate? Notice that Jim is dressed as a clown both years? Once a clown, always a clown!!!! Did you also notice that Joe, in the second picture, is wearing the same pants that John had on in the first picture and the hat. Mom was always very thrifty and hand me downs were a regular part of life.
I remember being so excited to go around Lincoln Village. We visited quite a few houses and looked forward to stopping at the Kneales house on Darbyhurst for hot chocolate and cider. I also remember how Dad would take the glass insert out of the front door so you wouldn’t have to open the screen door, but only open the heavy door. I hated getting apples for treats, but that usually wasn’t too many. I think my favorite at that time were the peanut butter MaryJanes. Nowadays, they would destroy the fillings in my mouth, but I sure loved them then.
Well here’s to another month is 2006 passing by. Thanksgiving is up next and then Christmas and then a whole new year. Where does the time go? Make every day count and don’t wish the days away.
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