Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Sunny Tuesday

Not a whole lot going on in my life lately. It seems that all I do is get up, walk the dog, feed the animals, go to work, come home, walk the dog, feed the family, feed the animals, few chores, check email and then go to bed. Not too much excitement. I need a shakeup -- something out of the ordinary. Maybe I need a weekend all to myself to just window shop or read a book or I don't know what. Even when I tell myself that I am going to have "me" time, I'm always thinking about something that I need to do. Sometimes you just have to stop thinking about what has to be done and just "CHILL".

Fall is here and the leaves are putting on their annual show. I love this time of year. The air smells of woodsmoke, the sunrises over the mist-covered yard, and the crunch of leaves are underfoot. It's been Indian summer around here, but that is supposed to change sometime this week and the temperature will drop. That's okay, the nesting instinct will take over and hopefully some major home renovations will begin to take shape. Keep posted.

Thought I would include a picture of Greg's cast as it might be going away this week. His appointment is Friday and he's hoping that it comes off then. There is no guarantee and I keep telling him that it might not happen (it's only been on 4 weeks). Anyways, here it is minus the boot which is slowly falling apart. They were enjoying a round of paintball shooting at the targets.

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